
Lalibela, up in the Highlands of Ethiopia…
15000 faithful practice Christianism close to their origins, isolated for centuries from the rest of Christianity.

In the 12th century, the King Lalibela dug an Ethiopian Jerusalem into stone: 11 churches were carved there, hidden to avoid Muslim invasions.

Dressed in white, barefooted, the faithful assist, standing for hours leaning on their prayer cane, to a religious service with a pace of old antic liturgy.

In the estranged atmosphere of this timeless world, the photographer’s eye does not know where to rest, her vision fluctuating from one figure to another, as their movements flow from shadow to light, from melody to silence. Here, spirituality is felt as if materialized in space.

Available for sale at Jacques Flament Editions

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L'exposition de "Lalibela – Ethiopie" sur L’Œil de la Photographie

Dax : Marta Rossignol expose pour venir en aide aux chrétiens d'Ethiopie